Poster Festival: a unique encounter between Poetry, Word and Landscape.

Poster Festival: a unique encounter between Poetry, Word and Landscape.

Poster Festival, a cultural event held in Pieve di Soligo and organised by the municipality in collaboration with the Associazione La Chiave di Sophia, animated Villa Brandolini from 5 to 7 July 2024.

Through a series of events dedicated to poetry, speech and landscape, it explored various topics and welcomed plenty of guests.

The heart of the festival played around the phrase: ‘Landscape does not exist. Landscapes do.’, emphasising how each of us perceives the landscape in a unique way, influenced by our own personal experiences and stories. Through walks, readings, lectures and various activities spanning every sensory field, the festival enabled further reflection on this theme.

We were pleased to support the event by providing our Tipa and Tata chairs, ensuring maximum comfort for guests and participants during the festival. We strongly believe in this project for the values it conveys and are proud to contribute to its success.